Tuesday, November 30, 2010

16.2, Due on December 1

The first portion of the section where the authors describe how we are going to use elliptical curves to factor large numbers was very interesting. "The situation where gcd(b,n)=1 fails... form the key to using elliptical curves for factorization" (pg. 353). I like that little teaser and it's making me moderately excited to read section 16.3.
I also found the first portion to be a review of what we went over on class on Monday. It's nice to approach the reading having already seen an example in class.
The hardest section for me was the last one about representing plaintext. This confuses me. I thought we were using the elliptical curves to factor n, not to encrypt anything. I also had a question about the example on page 353. Where did the equations for what x3 and y3 are congruent to come from? I see where the values came from but not the equations.

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