Tuesday, November 9, 2010

8.3 and 9.5, Due on November 10

I did not enjoy reading section 8.3. Hash functions have been a struggle for me from the start and this section only added to my woes. I don't understand the SHA-0 process, why letters such as A and B equal 1010, 1011 respectively, or what the 'W' variables are. My brain just does not think like a computer.
I enjoyed reading section 9.5 much more. You discussed it briefly on Monday and it's always easier to read something when the ideas have already been introduced. I like the idea of having alpha^q =1 mod p instead of using alpha as a primitive root.
I have one small suggestion regarding the homework. It would be nice if there was a key to selected problems posted online. I can usually solve all ten problems but I get the feeling there is often a better way than the method I chose. If it's too much work don't worry about it, and the grader is pretty good about catching and marking individual errors, but if you already have a key for the grader it would help my test preparation to see other ways of solving the problems.

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