Thursday, December 2, 2010

16.3, Due on December 3

Frankly, I've found this whole chapter to be interesting. I love Algebra and this is a type of Abstract Algebra that is interesting. I find it fascinating that is can be used to factor large numbers. I don't understand everything that's going on but the main ideas are really intriguing. One of the things I don't understand is how it's easy to find B!P. That seems like a lot of work.
I also have two lingering questions about elliptic curves:
  1. Doesn't a curve technically have an infinite amount of points? When we worked on the elliptic curve Z(E) mod 5 we only came up with 9 points. Are those the only solutions because our solutions must be integers mod 5?
  2. When we are dealing with a finite number of points, such as Z mod 5, how can infinity be a point? It's hard for me to grapple that a curve with a finite number of points and finite values for coefficients can have infinity as a point. Am I missing something or is that just a difficult, abstract concept?

1 comment:

  1. When we're talking about elliptic curves, we use the name "infinity" for the special point that acts as the additive identity. It doesn't mean "infinite" in the same way that we might talk about the cardinality of the integers as being infinite. We could rename that point something else and everything would still work; using "point at infinity" just helps people visualize how the addition law works.
