Tuesday, November 16, 2010

14.1 and 14.2, Due on November 17

The first sections was the most easily understood by me. I enjoyed reading about the Zero-Knowledge Protocol and the Tunnel diagram was very helpful. It's interesting to me how useful different mathematical ideas are in real contexts. The notion of finding square roots as a tool to secure information is really cool to me.
The second section was less easy for me to follow. I didn't catch all the steps, such as what Peggy and Victor need to check. I am wondering if this Feige-Fiat-Shamir identification scheme is meant to be a cryptosystem. I think it is not. I am also curious to know where else I might see Zero-Knowledge Techniques in place. It seems like an interesting idea and a quick Wikipedia search taught me a little more about it. I found it not so ironic that the example on Wikipedia used Victor and Peggy as well. Those must be real mathematical terms.

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