Friday, October 29, 2010

7.3-7.5, Due on November 1

I am interested in how cryptography answers a variety of problems that go beyond just disguising messages. For example, I was intrigued by section 7.3 in regards to making sure Alice doesn't change her message and Bob doesn't read the message until after an event as occurred. In section 7.4 the authors claim that there is a situation involving elliptical curves where the decision Diffie-Hellman problem is solvable quickly which I am interested in. I recall getting a teaser in an earlier section about elliptical curves as well.
The hardest part for me was understanding the ElGamel cryptosystem. I understand the big idea because I understand public key cryptography (not completely, but mostly) but I don't see how the public and and private keys are derived in regards to the discrete logs problem. The RSA was easy because the private key was just two large primes, but I'm not sure what the private keys are in the ElGamel system.
P.S. My high school German teacher was named Mrs. El Gamel and she told me 'El Gamel' was Arabic for 'The Camel.'

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