Sunday, October 3, 2010

3.4-3.5, Due on October 4

I enjoyed the opening description of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. I found it clever of the authors to work backward in explaining the Theorem, and it certainly helped me understand better what the main idea of the theorem is. I was also impressed with the efficiency of the modular exponentiation in section 3.5. I love being efficient and this struck me as a very creative way to simplify exponential, modular arithmetic. When people say that we don't need to learn math because computers can just do it I would cite this modular, exponential arithmetic to them, where the computer can't do the math with its limited memory but a human brain with its ingenuity can.
The hardest part for me to follow was the general form of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. I understand that a solution is guaranteed to exist but I didn't feel that they gave a very good explanation as to how to find the solution when there are more than two primes that we are modding.

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