Tuesday, October 5, 2010

3.6, 3.7, Due on October 6

I like the idea of simplifying the exponents to get an easier to work with number. It also never occurred to me that exponents need to be 'modded' as well as their bases when working in modular arithmetic. This seems like a simple idea I should have picked up on sooner, but I never did until this section.  I also enjoyed the part about primitive roots. They remind me of generators in finite groups. Essentially, the two are akin. As much as I liked them, however, I did get confused with the proposition immediately following their introduction.
One thing I'm confused about is the simplicity of calculating Euler's phi function. It seems easy for small, two digit numbers but much harder for larger numbers. I think this answer is found on page 81 but I couldn't quite interpret the notation to come into line with my question.
I think there will be great consequences out of Fermat's Little Theorem and Euler's Theorem, but I haven't quite grasped them yet. Their proofs and applications were hard for me to follow but going over it again in class will be very valuable.

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