Saturday, September 25, 2010

Due on September 27

  1. The homework assignments have been taking me about 6 hours to do. I generally work with Kadi and Sharon for a few hours on Monday afternoon, and then I work on the remainder of the problems on Tuesday. Any that are still giving me trouble I ask you about enduring office hours on Wednesday. I have felt that the lecture and reading assignments have helped prepare me for them.
  2. The homework has contributed the most to my learning in this class so far. It's hard to pick one thing, though, because they all work together for my learning. I get the least out of the reading, but perhaps that's because I do it first so the concepts are new. Lecture is the second most helpful, and trying out the concepts in the homework is the most helpful.
  3. I suppose if there was one. thing I would suggest to make this class better it would be more descriptive notes on the board during lecture. I am often a few steps behind you when I'm copying down the notes and when I catch up I can't remember what you said and the notes do not give me any clues either. I just copy it down and worry that I will ask a question you just barely answered while I was copying down the previous section. It's not a big deal at all, but one way that would improve my learning.

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