Wednesday, September 22, 2010

3.11, Due on September 24

I really like Abstract Algebra (that's easy to say now) so naturally I enjoyed this section. I enjoy doing multiplication in modular arithmetic because I think it simplifies the numbers greatly. At first I was wondering how the modular arithmetic related to the cryptosystems but then it all made sense when I saw the correlation with the bytes key.  This was a good review of abstract algebra but I think it will ultimately make more sense when I put it to practice.
The hardest part of this section was the last part about the LFSR sequences. My linear algebra was sharp at one time but now it is in need of a review. I also found that last part to be somewhat detached from the rest of the chapter. I didn't see how it related. I also didn't follow all the example. I am curious to know what the connection between 2 to the 8th and the 8-bit bytes are. I know they are related but I'm not sure how.

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